Eliminate passive sentences pdf

Passive voice in sentences with passive voice, the subject is acted upon by the verb. Also, correct any sentence fragments or runon sentences. This short video provides a brief introduction into the differences between active and passive voice when writing sentences. Using the active voice conveys a strong, clear tone and the passive voice is subtler and weaker. If the problem is weak writing, it is seldom going to be because of the use of passive voice, and there is.

Passive voice should never be used to eliminate an answer in your first glance through the choices. It all has to do with the difference between acting and being acted on. A paper full of passive sentences results in having a paper full of wordiness. Use our sample sample passive and active sentences. Active and passive voice revised2 fordham university.

Future tense can be problematic in business writing because it can sound passive and unconfident. Practice in changing verbs from passive to active voice. Only s can be the second sentence, because the last word exports of the first sentence is indicating to it. Weak sentences are only bad at release time, though. With passive voice, the subject is acted upon by the verb. Eliminate nominalizations, dummy subjects, and passive voice to make sentences clear, concise, and direct. Active verbs, on the other hand, focus attention on actors, bringing clarity and forcefulness to your prose. Exercise 1 5 points name verbs, nouns, and sentences 1. Pdf the passive voice, the easy way mubarak abdessalami. Describe types of wordy expressions and ways to eliminate them. Active note that passive voice is more prevalent and accepted in some disciplines e. Active and passive voice, worksheets, rules, examples pdf. Find an actor or group of actors, and begin the sentence there. Many local farmers plan to attend next fridays meeting.

I do my best not to overuse passive voice but it happens. To eliminate the passive voice, we need to understand how it differs from the active voice. Understanding passive voice understanding passive vs. The snark was lassoed successfully by the animal control officer. A passive sentence is one in which the subject does not perform the action of the verb. Verbosity excess word use is often a result of idea generation, and wordy sentences and paragraphs, especially in early drafts.

Write sentences of proper length and with proper emphasis. The cake was eaten by the dog is an example of a passive sentence. May 16, 2019 passive verbs and passive sentences can be a liability. Jan 20, 2016 passive voice should never be used to eliminate an answer in your first glance through the choices. Please show me how to eliminate passive voice in these. The subjects are doers, and the active voice guarantees that the reader will understand which subject is performing the action, whereas passive voice can make. Before you can eliminate passive voice, you must first learn what it is and how to locate it in your writing. Use personal pronouns, such as i or we, or name the person doing the action. A sentence is written in passive voice when the subject of the sentence has an action done to it by someone or something else. To raise their awareness of transitiveintransitive verbs to prevent. English grammar lesson passive voice sentences in the past tense learn english duration. Active and passive sentences a sentence is written in active voice when the subject of the sentence performs the action in the sentence. Although some students believe that using many words to express an idea makes their writing more sophisticated or poetic, that is usually untrue.

Complex sentences sentence combining four types of. The government built a road right outside her front door. Dead words are found in padded sentences and passive voice constructions, and they include overused adverbs and vague qualifiers. The bottles cannot be opened by the children easily 1. If you have difficulty identifying the passive, run your text through the hemingway app. The passive voice shifting the focus of the sentence to. If you are a speaker of english then you may experience those situations too where you have to use both the form of tenses complete english tenses chart in pdf. Eliminating wordiness exercise 1 purdue writing lab. Question 5 1 1 pts one sentence in each of the following pairs is clear, with active verbs connected to clear subjects. Lifes first rule of everything is always identify the problem.

Molly agentsubject cashed verb her check receiver at the bank. Use the active voice the active voice shows who is responsible for doing what, which tends to eliminate confusion. I wont eliminate it all together but will be more vigilant. In effect, the object of the active sentence becomes the subject in the passive sentence. Whenever possible it is preferable to place sentences in the. Active to passive voice directions change the sentences below to the passive voice and underline the passive voice. If you may recall, nominalizations often create passive voice structures. How to recognize and eliminate passive voice, spring 20. Consider these passive voice sentences, for example. Usually, you will need to move this agent towards the beginning of the sentence into the subject place and change the verb to active rather than passive. You already know the difference in readability between those two sentences, and thats because, most of the time, passive voice, doesnt feel right or sound natural to you.

Wordiness occurs when a writer uses more words than necessary to express a thought. For example, the passive sentence the cookies were eaten by the child has many more words than the active sentence the child ate the cookies. In fact, sentences constructed in the active voice add impact to your writing. For example, in the sentence the researcher is a professor at.

In our daily speech and in rough drafts, we tend to rely heavily on the various forms of the verb to be. After getting done with the lab work, i did the writeups that were required by the assignment. However, if youve narrowed the answers down to two grammatically correct options, and the only difference is that one is active and the other is passive, then you can eliminate the passive choice. Avoid passive voice, needless repetition, and wordy phrases and clauses. Thats why the use of the passive is compulsory to get rid of the burden of the subject.

The other sentence is indirect, with actions buried by nominalizations and abstractions for subjects. Circle or highlight forms of to be verbs in your sentences and paragraphs. The passive sentence below leaves the reader wondering. Join sentences sometimes you can eliminate needless sentences by taking key words from other sentences and putting them into one sentence. Avoid passiveverb phrases, and use the active voice instead. The active voice describes a sentence where the subject performs the action stated by the verb. To make this sentence active, you will need to put the noun doing the action in the subject location of the sentence. In passive voice, the subject is acted upon by the verb.

English passive voice, difficulties, learning strategies, igbo learners. According to some theorists, passive sentences also involve syntactic movement, i. You can also spot passive voice when you look for two verbs stuck together. The sentence construction noun verb phrase by noun is known as passive voice or passive construction, because the true subject is relegated to the end of the sentence and is thus acted on, rather than acting, which often weakens the statement. How to eliminate the passive voice from your writing. The subjects are doers, and the active voice guarantees that the reader will understand which subject is performing the action, whereas passive voice can make this relationship ambiguous. Often these passive sentences include a byphrase, as in the ball is hit through the window by katie, still passive. Rick gave me indirect object this book direct object.

In a passive sentence, the action of the verb is done to the subject. Writing resources eliminating wordiness hamilton college. In sentence 2 above, for example, the passive voice creates the illogical statement that the plan consulted with the board of trustees. While active voice helps to create clear and direct sentences, sometimes writers find using an indirect expression is rhetorically effective in a given situation, so they choose passive voice. Active voice sentences contain subjects that perform the action of the verb. Explore how passive sentences have gotten a bad rap in the grammar world through a discussion of structure and examples. Change the following sentences from passive voice to active voice. Learn english with lets talk free english lessons 434,182 views 11. This short video provides a brief introduction into the differences between active and passive voice when writing. Eliminate nominalizations dummy subjects and passive voice. In the passive sentence, meal is the simple subject and is prepared is the verb. Perhaps the most important reason to avoid the passive voice is that passive sentences are often awkward if not downright illogical and ambiguous. Revise these sentences to state their meaning in fewer words.

Rewrite the following passages to strengthen verbs, eliminate empty nouns, and convert passive voice to active voice. Academic assistance and tutoring centers passive vs. Still passive the animal control officer successfully lassoed the snark. Active and passive voice exercises julian high school. In this order, the agent person or thing doing the action is known and appears before the verb. Active voice is preferred over passive voice because active voice is clear and concise. How can you revise your sentences to eliminate unnecessary to be verbs. This page has lots of examples of passive sentences and an interactive exercise. This column originally appeared in the may 2014 issue of the aba law. Click here to download a pdf of the answer key revise the following sentences in the textboxes to eliminate passive voice without altering meaning. The writing center active and passive voice guides. Please note, because revising passive voice deals with style more than grammar rules, there may be multiple correct ways to revise each sentence, although you. In fact, all three of the transformed sentences above required the addition of by.

We can also use the passive voice to eliminate redundancy i. Jun 28, 2012 if you find that your business writing has an excess of words like are, was, or have been, there are a few easy ways to identify and eliminate them. In the example below, note how placing emphasis on the agent wealthy business ceos makes the sentence more informative and meaningful. Eliminate nominalizations dummy subjects and passive voice to. Every passage benefits from eliminating dead words that weaken its intent. Passive voice creates sentences in which the subject noun receives rather than does the. If this is the case, the passive voice sentences should produce more clustering since emphasizing the clusterable elements should lead the ss to notice more quickly the basis for organization. For example, in the sentence the researcher is a professor at duke the verb is merely connects the subject. How to get rid of dead words in writing pen and the pad. Active voice is the more common svo subjectverbobject arrangement. The verb to be is unlike any other verb because it is inertthat is, it doesnt show any action. Eliminate zombie nouns and minimize passive voice editors note.

A twentyone gun salute was fired by the honor guard during the. This means the agent of the sentence comes after the verb. Mixed tenses change these sentences from active to passive. Get an answer for please show me how to eliminate passive voice in these sentences. In our daily speech and in rough drafts, we tend to rely heavily on the various forms of the verb to be the verb to be is unlike any other verb because it is inertthat is, it doesnt show any action. Actually, the ability to write concisely is highly valued in most disciplines because conciseness usually increases clarity. Pdf passive voice is commonly preferred in certain genres such as. Active voice sentences may be more concise than passive voice sentences because they eliminate the need for a helping verb be and the preposition by. Learn when to employ them, how to revise them, and then test your knowledge. The passive voice occurs when the object of an action becomes the subject. Passive and active voice history of rutgers university. Complex sentences sentence combining four types of sentences compoundcomplex sentences. Clutter may also be commonly referred to as wordiness or conciseness.

Please note, because revising passive voice deals with style more than grammar rules, there may be multiple correct ways to revise each sentence, although you will see only one option after you submit each response. Students rewrite sentences, changing them from the passive to the active voice, and receive realtime feedback on their writing. This is an active sentence and it has the subject first the person or thing that does the verb, followed by the verb, and finally the object the person or thing that the action happens to. Thats because passive verbs make your writing boring and confuse your reader. Even though the passive voice can help us avoid pointing a finger at the person or people or company or agency responsible for unpleasant actions, that notion itself can become a writing pitfall. Instructions revise each of the following sentences by changing the verb from the passive voice to the active voice. Click here to download a pdf of these practice activities. Rearrangement of sentences chapter1 part iii general english. If you want to eliminate the verb to be, however turn those passive sentences into active ones.

Notice that you will also have to cut down the verb here was is deleted and get rid of words such as by that are used in passive sentences to mark the agent. In short, two things help us recognize a passive sentence, the presence of a helping be verb plus another verb and a doer actor who is either absent or buried at or near the end in a byphrase. In this quill lesson, students learn about passive and active voice. Making passive sentences active in order to turn wordy or vague passive voice sentences into active sentences, ask yourself. Active voice in english, all sentences are written in either passive or active voice. Transforming active sentences into passive sentences you can change active voice sentences into passive voice by reversing the steps listed above. Passive and active voice a professor or graduate instructor has probably cautioned you to eliminate passive voice from your writing at one time or another. In this exercise, you will practice changing verbs from the passive voice to the active voice by turning the subject of a passive verb into the direct object of an active verb. By making the direct inanimate object the subject of the passive voice. You must have the knowledge of active and passive sentences what is a sentence. Avoid beginning sentences with expletive constructions. In passive sentences, the theme is the grammatical subject, and the agent is mapped to an adjunct prepositional phrase.

Jan 10, 2019 in this exercise, you will practice changing verbs from the passive voice to the active voice by turning the subject of a passive verb into the direct object of an active verb. Plus, when you change the long noun back into a shorter verb, you often eliminate a prepo. Passive voice verbs are composed of a form of the verb to be and the past participle of the main verb e. Although bradley hall is regularly populated by students, close study of the building as a structure. The government is planning a new road near my house. Learn how to eliminate pesky prepositional phrases to tighten your sentences and reduce your word count. Favor active voice over passive voice, using passivevoice constructions with intent which sentence is more concise. There are several reasons that wordiness impacts clarity. The form a transitive verb takes to indicate whether the subject of the verb performs the action or receives the action. For sentences 16, choose what you think is reason for the passive being used. Change the verb from a to be form to the appropriate active tense. In sentences with active voice, the subject performs the action and the receiver takes the action of the verb.

Continued on next page as soon as you move one step from the bottom, your. A sentence is written in active voice when the subject of the. How to spot, fix and eliminate passive voice in everything. Just finishing a novel is a lot of work and if you need to use weak sentences to get your story out. Examples of active and passive voice yourdictionary. Writing with clarity usc dana and david dornsife college.

Rewrite the following sentences to eliminate passive voice by changing verbs in passive voice to active voice. Mar 25, 2020 revise the following sentences in the textboxes to eliminate passive voice without altering meaning. From a mechanical point of view, passive voice has two parts. It was decided by the director to expand the program.

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